Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This is one of the most beautiful stones I have ever had the pleasure of cutting and polishing.  Pure heaven.

For those interested in the therapeutic properties of chrysocolla:
Solid Lt. blue/blue-green. Gentle, soothing, friendly. Excellent for Heart Chakra; flushes and heals heart blocks (loss, hurt, guilt, fear...) for allowingness, flexibility, self-forgiveness, peace of heart, patience. Keeps one in light, love, and healing daily. On Throat, expressing feelings, verbal and artistic creativity, thyroid. Also, heart bloodsugar, and emotional balance. High conductivity from copper draws out pain, heat (fevers, inflammations, arthritis...), Excellent therapeutic assistance for healing loss, incest, other traumas. Cleanses auric field. Dreams and Earth healing.

A stone found in shades of blue and/or green. Mined in Mexico, Zaire, Chile, USSR and US. Resembles Turquoise and its properties are similar to it. Benefits arthritis and other bone diseases as well as the organs of the digestive tract, and ulcers become less problematic. Relieves hypertension and stressful conditions due to fear or guilt. Helps one feel more comfortable speaking the truth. Help develop personal confidence. Historically used by musicians, perhaps because of its reputation for having healing properties for throat and lungs.

I hope you enjoy these little tidbits on information on different rocks.  Please let us know what you think.

Thank you,


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